Organic Panic - Medium-Dark Roast

from $18.00

Discover Organic Panic, a naturally processed and USDA-organic certified coffee from the lush regions of Central and South America. This exquisite blend of Typica, Pache, Caturra, and Bourbon varieties offers a rich, syrupy sweetness and full-bodied intensity. We were captivated by its exceptional taste and are excited for you to experience its premium quality in every sip.

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Introducing Organic Panic, a uniquely captivating blend sourced from the Asociacion de Productores Cafetaleros Juan Marco El Palto (JUMARP) in the lush Amazonian Andes of northern Peru. This exceptional coffee is naturally processed and boasts USDA organic certification, ensuring purity and sustainability.

Originating from Central and South America, regions celebrated for their rich, syrupy sweetness and full-bodied intensity, Organic Panic exemplifies these qualities. During our tasting, we were genuinely impressed by its distinct flavors and knew immediately it was a treasure we had to share.

JUMARP, also known as "El Palto," was founded in 2003 by 35 small-scale farmers and has grown to include 189 active members, cultivating a combined area of 549 hectares. The cooperative is significant for including 40 families led by women who have continual representation on the Board of Directors. Their mission is focused on meeting the demand for specialty coffee, thereby enhancing their member families' income and quality of life.

This lot features a blend of Typica, Pache, Caturra, and Bourbon varieties, grown at elevations between 1600 and 1800 meters above sea level. With each sip of Organic Panic, you're directly supporting the innovative and resilient spirit of El Palto's farmers, enjoying a cup that's as rich in history as it is in flavor. Join us in celebrating the remarkable journey from bean to cup.

Elevation: 1600-1800 Meters

Processing Method: Natural Processed

Tasting Notes: Blackberry Jam

A Medium Dark Roast

Net Weight 12oz

Coffee Beans Certified USDA Organic by CAAE

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