All Purpose Blend - Medium Roast

from $18.00

Ever find yourself longing for a coffee that shines across any brew method? A coffee that consistently wows with its flavor profile and, as a medium roast, wins over every coffee lover you know?

Meet the All Purpose Blend, your new coffee go-to.

Designed to excel no matter how you brew it, this blend guarantees a delicious cup that rivals the experience at our shop—craving an espresso, cold brew, or pour-over? Reach for the All Purpose Blend every time.

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Our current batch of the All Purpose Blend is a unique blend from Guatemala, Costa Rica and Brazil, countries that produce some of the most robust and flavorful coffees. The All Purpose Blend will tantalize your senses with hints of berries and chocolate. Take the hassle out of choosing how or what to brew with the All Purpose Blend! Add this to your cart and deliver it to your home, or pick it up at our shop!

Origin: 1

Country: Guatemala

Region: Ayarza Wet Mill

Elevation: 1400-2000 Meters

Processing Method: Natural Process

Origin: 2

Country: Costa Rica

Region: Tarrazu

Elevation: 1650-1750 Meters

Processing Method: Washed Process

Origin: 3

Country: Brazil

Region: Mogiana

Elevation: 1000-1250 Meters

Processing Method: Natural Process

Tasting Notes: Blueberry Pie

A Medium Roast

Net Weight 12oz

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